Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Air Dubai

This next group is Air Dubai, a Denver area hip-hop group. I first learned of them when they opened for the Flobots on the University of Wyoming campus with a full band (a la Flobots). I've seen them since, by themselves, and they definitely hold their own on the stage. Their earlier releases were pretty poorly produced and almost nothing like their energetic live show, but this full length has proven to be quite nice. This is not as intense as the live show, but it has full instrumentation like they had at their shows. The album is pretty poppy and at times has more in common with radio pop than hip-hop, but lets be honest, that's ok. They aren't trying to be something they are not, which makes me give them mad props.


1. Restless Youth
2. I Know How
3. Weekends
4. Warm Days
5. Love in Retrograde
6. Anything At All
7. City Lights
8. Ten Weeks
9. Lasers
10. Black & White
11. Modern Gold


Standout Tracks:
Restless Youth
Warm Days
Ten Weeks
Really anything is pretty nice and poppy

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